So I finally got around to documenting my work from Laurie Snyder’s Photographic Book class. I’m going to do posts for each book so I can show multiple views and talk about each one individually unless they are related, in which case I’ll group them. These images of the books are not scans -- so they’re not perfect and there’s a lot of glare in some.
So these books were from one of our earlier assignments. It’s just a simple pamphlet fold, the first kind of book we learned to make, and they have 16 pages including the front and back covers. On our first day we had to make a book about out feelings about Barack Obama’s inauguration, which was the same day. The Obama book is about 5 ½ x 4 ¼ inches and is a collage using newspaper images, pencil, ballpoint pen and marker.
For homework we had to make a book with the same binding, the subject of the book being up to us. I decided to make a book about the different meals I like and foods and drinks that I enjoy and I bound the book with dental floss. The book itself is about 5 ¼ x 4 inches printed on the laser printer in the print lab. It came out all right I took pictures and used older images that I had taken before of different yummy foods and made a book. I didn’t like how the color print came out, the color is way off and it looks kind of gross so I decided to do a line sketch version of it, which is kind of unfinished. I’m not sure I really like how either of them turned out that muchbut I like the photographs I did for the food book, it's really too bad the color and print quality isn't better… Never the less, they're making me hungry just looking at them!