These images are from my series “The Labors of Hercules” which was also a part of my Senior Thesis. This series basically took similar ideas from the “Family/preservation of Heritage series” (tradition, cultural values, etc.) and made them more focused on cultural identity as opposed to personal identity. The pieces depict the individual labors in a very simple way, the slaying of the creatures or the action of the labor is not shown directly but I wanted the observer to understand as much of the myth as possible without the paintings being overly explicit or literal. The order of the images is actually backwards because the Lion is supposed to be first and Cerberus is last.
Cerberus- Spray paint and acrylic on panel.
The Cretan Bull- Gesso and pencil on wood.
The Stymphalian Birds- Oil, tin foil and shellac on wood.
The Golden Hind- Spray paint, pencil, acrylic and shellac on wood.
The Nemean Lion- Oil and shellac on wood.
On a different note, I'm trying to figure out why my default language/type on this blog is Hindi...
व्त्फ़? = WTF?