I'm sorry I haven't updated in like forever. And the sad thing is, I can't even say I've been really busy with real life. I really haven't been doing much this past month to be honest, I can say I've been extremely lazy and remiss in my blogging duties. And for this I apologize and I will try to update more frequently.
Ok, so this book, titled Capturing My Sole, was my midterm project. I thought it would be cheeky to take pictures of all the shoes/footwear that I own (or rather, that I had in my possession with me at school) and make an album book of them. I took all the pictures myself and I decided that I wanted to show both the instep and the outside of the foot, so when the viewer turns the page you see the other side of the foot. I did pay attention to which images I thought would look good next to others. I even made it fit (sorta) in a shoe box I had, with the tissue paper and everything. I put the colophon on the inside of the lid of the box and I bound the book with a shoelace in a bow from my red Doc Martins. I really like the fact the the cover looks really elegant and somewhat serious, with the font and that title but the first page when you open it is an image of my Batman socks. I just had fun with this project, despite the fact that it was extremely expensive to print and some of the pages got smudged, all in all I think it was one of my most successful books.