Sunday, September 26, 2010

BWAC's "Lineage" Opening

Thanks to all who came out to the Lineage opening this afternoon! It was a lot of fun. For those who didn't make it today, the show will be up until October 31st but only on Saturdays and Sundays. Here are some images from the show.

me in front of my work

Scott and I in front of his work

Scott and I in front of my work

me in front of my work

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Quick note about Lineage

Hey all, sorry for the long absence. I totally flaked out and missed the "Red Hooked" show, mostly because it was too expensive to print the photographs and I didn't have time to comparison shop. However, I am definitely doing the "Lineage" show at BWAC along with my friend Scott, whose blog looks eerily similar to mine.

For "Lineage" I'm exhibiting my Preservation of Heritage series, and am now rooting through some of my mother's family photos. Here are some gems I found, ones that I might use in future work.


"Russell paid us a surprise visit"

Yes, that's a flamethrower.

"Judy watching T.V."

Yes, that's my Pop Pop smoking a cigarette and shaking hands with Darth Vader